
Saturday, January 03, 2004

OK, we did it. We've landed on Mars again. Link to news.

And we've close the NASDAQ over 2000. What next?
OK, back home again. Nice too. Now to get moved back in and do laundry and go shopping for food and get the snail-mail in house and done. It's going to have bills in it, damn. Oh! Well.

Right now or in a couple of hours I'll start listen for news on SPIRIT rover and if it's going to land on Mars or what.

Thursday, January 01, 2004


Back to normal come Monday. It'll be nice to be home. Have some fun stuff for ya. And remember, this is the time of year that the email get really durty, new people on the net with new to then computers and all...

Be safe out there
D, Advising at Keen

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

D, Advising at Keen

Well, the Chrismas Vaction is still on and still till Monday Jan. 5. Still doing my best to kept up but can't say if computers will be there for me at all from now on. Check in and see what's up. Speaking of what's up there's a new, or kinda new "Call over the web FREE" program out there. Is called "Skype.com". You might want to take a look at it.

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