Friday, January 30, 2004
I was just reading a freinds blog.
And he's been looking for work in his field for awhile now. He's upset it what he's see. And some the the reasons like Sears is gaven for sending IT job oversea. And they are not smarter then we are, Sears. I IM'ed him and by the time I was done I didn't want to just lose all that thought, so;
I call it "The "dumbbing down" of America". And it's been going on for years. Hell, I'm part of it. And I don't want to go on with this as it make me so mad I get sick. But it has to do with "being passed on in school".
Corp. America told us that the margers were going to be good for us consumers. And that was shit. All they wanted was to get so big that they could no long be thought of as an American Corp. because then Mercedes could buy Chrysler and move thier headquarters to London. Levi-Strauss could move all it's factories to other part of their world. And now job that people call ours are no longer. But there is WORK in china, etc. Enough! NO more from me.
And I'm not ready to more then this now either. Thank on and get back to me. click on the comment link.
Gateway To Acquire eMachines
A declining Gateway Inc. will acquire an ascending eMachines Inc. for about $235 million, in a deal that will keep the Gateway brand and bring in eMachines' Wayne Inouye as the new chief executive officer of the merged company.
The news came Friday--a day after Gateway reported a sharp loss of $114 million. eMachines is a privately held company, but it reported that its last nine quarters have been profitable.
“The combined company,” the firms said in a statement, “plans to leverage eMachines' established retail relationships and low cost distribution model in the U.S. and abroad to expand distribution of Gateway's successful and growing line of consumer electronics products beyond its existing direct channels.” The companies reported Gateway will continue to sell its servers, storage products, and business desktops and laptops through the existing Gateway direct channels.
The new combination involved a shuffling of top executives and officers. While Inouye will direct the new company, Ted Waitt, Gateway's founder, will move up to chairman of the board, and Roderick Sherwood III will continue as Gateway's chief financial officer. The firms' joint press release noted that eMachines chief stockholder, John Hui, and other executives have agreed to a stock holding period that commits them “to an equity-based, long-term relationship with Gateway, focused on the company's future success.”
The deal involves the current Gateway entity paying $30 million in cash and 50 million Gateway shares for eMachines. Gateway's stock closed at $4.09 Thursday.
The combined entity will be the third largest PC company in the U.S., representing $4.5 billion in sales in 2003. The companies said they will take advantage of eMachines' low-cost business model, which generated $1.1 billion in sales last year. That figure represented a 40 percent jump in revenue over the previous year.
In recent months, Gateway has moved into some consumer markets. It is the leading seller of plasma TVs in the U.S., and has recently introduced a wide range of consumer products, including digital cameras, MP3 players, home-theater systems, and DVD players and recorders.
“The transaction is expected to take Gateway's branded integrator strategy and accelerate it from both a scale and efficiency standpoint, creating a company with a low cost structure. . .and maximum flexibility in its business model,” the release stated.
By W. David Gardner, TechWeb News
Well, now this gave control of the ceiling and the floor of the market to one company. They well still be alot smaller than DELL and HP(Compaq), but there is not better way to control the market then when your the top end and the bottom. The squeeze is on. Gateway's stock really did nothing after hours passed from the release of the news. Emachine is privately owned so we'll never see anything from that side. GTW should be watched for the next weeks and months. IF their timing is right for the market and both GTW's and Emachine bottom lines this could be one great thing for the stock.
With Ted Waitt, Gateway's founder, moving up to chairman of the board, and Roderick Sherwood III continuing as Gateway's chief financial officer I think thing are being told to us if we really want to hear it. Sound like they're doing the right thing and doing it in the right way. Now we just have to see if the timing is right. Whiching the market will tell.
Thursday, January 29, 2004
For the Lindows users, and Michael Robertson
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Tech Humor, Windows the Southern Edition
OK, Time for some Humor, tech style
Dear Consumers:
It has come to our attention that a few copies of
WINDOWS 98 SOUTHERN EDITION may have accidentally
been shipped outside the South, or Mississippi. If you have one of these, you may need some help understanding the commands.
The Southern edition may be recognized by the
unique opening screen. It reads:
WINDERS 98, with a
background picture of General Robert E. Lee
superimposed on a Confederate flag. It is shipped
with a Dukes of Hazard screen saver.
Please also note:
The Recycle Bin is labeled "Outhouse"
My Computer is called "This Contraption"
Dial up Networking is called "Good Ol' Boys"
Control Panel is known as the "The Dashboard"
Hard Drive is referred to as "4 Wheel Drive"
Floppies are "them little ol plastic disc thangs"
Instead of an error message a "garbage bag and
roll of duct tape" pops up
OK . . . . . . . . . . ats aw-right
Cancel . . . . . . . stopdat
Reset . . . . . . . . try er agin
Yes . . . . . . . . . yep
No . . . . . . . . . . noop
Find . . . . . . . . . hunt fer it
Go to. . . . . . . . over yonder
Back . . . . . . . . back yonder
Help . . . . . . . hep me out here
Stop . . . . . . . . kwitit
Start . . . . . . . . crank er up
Settings . . . . . . settins
Programs . . . . . stuff at duz stuff
Documents . . . stuff ah done did
Also note that SOUTHERN EDITION does not
recognize capital letters or punctuation marks.
Some programs that are exclusive to Winders 98:
Tiperiter . . . . . . . . A word processing program
colerin book . . . . . a graphics program
cyferin mersheen . calculator
outhouse paper . . notepad
iner-net . . . . . . . . Microsoft Explorer 4.0
pichers . . . . . . . . . A graphics viewer
We regret any inconvenience it may have caused if
you received a copy of the SOUTHERN EDITION.
You may return it to Microsoft for a replacement
version. I hope this helps all y'all!
Billy Bob Gates
Windows the Southern Edition
Dear Consumers:
It has come to our attention that a few copies of
WINDOWS 98 SOUTHERN EDITION may have accidentally
been shipped outside the South, or Mississippi. If
have one
of these, you may need some help understanding the
The Southern edition may be recognized by the
unique opening screen. It reads: WINDERS 98, with a
background picture of General Robert E. Lee
superimposed on a Confederate flag. It is shipped
with a Dukes of Hazard screen saver.
Please also note:
The Recycle Bin is labeled "Outhouse"
My Computer is called "This Contraption"
Dial up Networking is called "Good Ol' Boys"
Control Panel is known as the "The Dashboard"
Hard Drive is referred to as "4 Wheel Drive"
Floppies are "them little ol plastic disc thangs"
Instead of an error message a "garbage bag and
roll of duct tape" pops up
OK . . . . . . . . . . ats aw-right
Cancel . . . . . . . stopdat
Reset . . . . . . . . try er agin
Yes . . . . . . . . . yep
No . . . . . . . . . . noop
Find . . . . . . . . . hunt fer it
Go to. . . . . . . . over yonder
Back . . . . . . . . back yonder
Help . . . . . . . hep me out here
Stop . . . . . . . . kwitit
Start . . . . . . . . crank er up
Settings . . . . . . settins
Programs . . . . . stuff at duz stuff
Documents . . . stuff ah done did
Also note that SOUTHERN EDITION does not
recognize capital letters or punctuation marks.
Some programs that are exclusive to Winders 98:
Tiperiter . . . . . . . . A word processing program
colerin book . . . . . a graphics program
cyferin mersheen . calculator
outhouse paper . . notepad
iner-net . . . . . . . . Microsoft Explorer 4.0
pichers . . . . . . . . . A graphics viewer
We regret any inconvenience it may have caused if
received a
You may return it to Microsoft for a replacement
version. I hope this helps
all y'all!
Billy Bob Gates
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Well, it's call TECH STUFF by most. I'll be glad when no one asks for stuff that is not right here.
Depending on where you are online, you may
differents sets of shorthand. While no one set of
acronyms is necessarily complete, this list should
cover most any abbreviation you are likely to come
2U2 = To You, Too
AAMOF = As A Matter Of Fact
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFAIC = As Far As I'm Concerned
AFAICT = As Far As I Can Tell
AFK = Away From Keyboard
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
BAK = Back At Keyboard
BBL = Be Back Later
BITMT = But In The Meantime
BOT = Back On Topic
BRB = Be Right Back
BTW = By the way
C4N = Ciao For Now
CRS = Can't Remember "Stuff"
CU = See You
CUL(8R) = See You Later
CWOT = Complete Waste Of Time
CYA = See Ya
DITYID = Did I Tell You I'm Distressed?
DIY = Do It Yourself
EOD = End Of Discussion
EZ = Easy
F2F = Face To Face
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
FBOW = For Better Or Worse
FOAF = Friend Of A Friend
FOCL = Falling Off Chair Laughing
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYA = For Your Amusement
FYI = For Your Information
/ga = Go Ahead
GAL = Get A Life
GBTW = Get Back To Work
GFC = Going For Coffee
GFETE = Grinning From Ear To Ear
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
GR&D = Grinning, Running & Ducking
GTG = Got To Go
GTGTTBR = Got To Go To The Bathroom
GTRM = Going To Read Mail
HAND = Have A Nice Day
HHOK = Ha Ha Only Kidding
HTH = Hope This Helps
IAC = In Any Case
IAE = In Any Event
IC = I See
IDGI = I Don't Get It
IMCO = In My Considered Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = in My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
IMPE = In My Previous/Personal Experience
IMVHO = In My Very Humble Opinion
IOTTMCO = Intuitively Obvious To The Most Casual
IOW = In Other Words
IRL = In Real Life
ISP = Internet Service Provider
IYKWIM = If You Know What I Mean
JIC = Just In Case
J/K = Just kidding
KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid
L8TR = Later
LD = Later Dude
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
LTNS = Long Time No See
MorF = Male or Female, or person who asks that
MTCW = My Two Cents Worth
NRN = No Reply Necessary
ONNA = Oh No, Not Again!
OTOH = On The Other Hand
OTTOMH = Off The Top Of My Head
OIC = Oh I See
OTF = On The Floor
OLL = Online Love
PCMCIA = People Can't Memorize Computer Industry
PLS = Please
PU = That Stinks!
REHI = Hello Again (re-Hi!)
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROTF = Rolling On The Floor
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing
RSN = Real Soon Now
RTDox = Read The Documentation/Directions
RTFM = Read The Frickin' Manual
RUOK = Are You OK?
SNAFU = Situation Normal; All Fouled Up
SO = Significant Other
SOL = Smiling Out Loud (or You're Out of Luck)
TANSTAAFL = There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free
TAFN = That's All For Now
TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It
THX = Thanks
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TLK2UL8R = Talk to you later
TMK = To My Knowledge
TOS = Terms Of Service
TPTB = The Powers That Be
TSWC = Tell Someone Who Cares
TTBOMK = To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTFN = Ta-Ta For Now
TTYL(8R) = Talk To You Later
TWIMC = To Whom It May Concern
Txs = Thanks
URL = Web Page Address
w/b = Welcome Back
w/o = Without
WRT = With Regard To
WTG = Way To Go
WU? = What's Up?
WWW = World Wide Web
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get
Y2K = Year 2000
YGIAGAM = Your Guess Is As Good As Mine
YGWYPF = You Get What You Pay For
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
ZZZ = Sleeping
You'll notice that different chat communities can
develop different 'dialects' or accents. If you see
acronym or smiley used, you can figure it's pretty
safe to use it yourself. If you use acronyms and
majority of people in the room don't seem to
understand, it's probably not something commonly
in that community.
Some chats on AOL use protocol. That means that
rather than having an open chat where everyone
at once, a host leads the chat. If you have a
question, you type
If you have a comment, you use
Then you wait for the host to acknowledge you.
also common to send a
For "go ahead" into the room indicating that you've
finished with your question or comment.
Depending on where you are online, you may
differents sets of shorthand. While no one set of
acronyms is necessarily complete, this list should
cover most any abbreviation you are likely to come
2U2 = To You, Too
AAMOF = As A Matter Of Fact
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFAIC = As Far As I'm Concerned
AFAICT = As Far As I Can Tell
AFK = Away From Keyboard
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
BAK = Back At Keyboard
BBL = Be Back Later
BITMT = But In The Meantime
BOT = Back On Topic
BRB = Be Right Back
BTW = By the way
C4N = Ciao For Now
CRS = Can't Remember "Stuff"
CU = See You
CUL(8R) = See You Later
CWOT = Complete Waste Of Time
CYA = See Ya
DITYID = Did I Tell You I'm Distressed?
DIY = Do It Yourself
EOD = End Of Discussion
EZ = Easy
F2F = Face To Face
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
FBOW = For Better Or Worse
FOAF = Friend Of A Friend
FOCL = Falling Off Chair Laughing
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYA = For Your Amusement
FYI = For Your Information
/ga = Go Ahead
GAL = Get A Life
GBTW = Get Back To Work
GFC = Going For Coffee
GFETE = Grinning From Ear To Ear
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
GR&D = Grinning, Running & Ducking
GTG = Got To Go
GTGTTBR = Got To Go To The Bathroom
GTRM = Going To Read Mail
HAND = Have A Nice Day
HHOK = Ha Ha Only Kidding
HTH = Hope This Helps
IAC = In Any Case
IAE = In Any Event
IC = I See
IDGI = I Don't Get It
IMCO = In My Considered Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = in My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
IMPE = In My Previous/Personal Experience
IMVHO = In My Very Humble Opinion
IOTTMCO = Intuitively Obvious To The Most Casual
IOW = In Other Words
IRL = In Real Life
ISP = Internet Service Provider
IYKWIM = If You Know What I Mean
JIC = Just In Case
J/K = Just kidding
KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid
L8TR = Later
LD = Later Dude
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
LTNS = Long Time No See
MorF = Male or Female, or person who asks that
MTCW = My Two Cents Worth
NRN = No Reply Necessary
ONNA = Oh No, Not Again!
OTOH = On The Other Hand
OTTOMH = Off The Top Of My Head
OIC = Oh I See
OTF = On The Floor
OLL = Online Love
PCMCIA = People Can't Memorize Computer Industry
PLS = Please
PU = That Stinks!
REHI = Hello Again (re-Hi!)
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROTF = Rolling On The Floor
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing
RSN = Real Soon Now
RTDox = Read The Documentation/Directions
RTFM = Read The Frickin' Manual
RUOK = Are You OK?
SNAFU = Situation Normal; All Fouled Up
SO = Significant Other
SOL = Smiling Out Loud (or You're Out of Luck)
TANSTAAFL = There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free
TAFN = That's All For Now
TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It
THX = Thanks
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TLK2UL8R = Talk to you later
TMK = To My Knowledge
TOS = Terms Of Service
TPTB = The Powers That Be
TSWC = Tell Someone Who Cares
TTBOMK = To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTFN = Ta-Ta For Now
TTYL(8R) = Talk To You Later
TWIMC = To Whom It May Concern
Txs = Thanks
URL = Web Page Address
w/b = Welcome Back
w/o = Without
WRT = With Regard To
WTG = Way To Go
WU? = What's Up?
WWW = World Wide Web
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get
Y2K = Year 2000
YGIAGAM = Your Guess Is As Good As Mine
YGWYPF = You Get What You Pay For
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
ZZZ = Sleeping
You'll notice that different chat communities can
develop different 'dialects' or accents. If you see
acronym or smiley used, you can figure it's pretty
safe to use it yourself. If you use acronyms and
majority of people in the room don't seem to
understand, it's probably not something commonly
in that community.
Some chats on AOL use protocol. That means that
rather than having an open chat where everyone
at once, a host leads the chat. If you have a
question, you type
If you have a comment, you use
Then you wait for the host to acknowledge you.
also common to send a
For "go ahead" into the room indicating that you've
finished with your question or comment.
More of the (almost same)
Finally, something other than smiley faces....
> Perfect breasts
> (o)(o)
> Fake silicone breasts
> ( + )( + )
> Perky breasts
> (*)(*)
> Big nipple breasts
> (@)(@)
> A cups
> o o
> D cups
> { O }{ O }
> Wonder bra breasts
> (oYo)
> Cold breasts
> ( ^ )( ^ )
> Lopsided breasts
> (o)(O)
> Pierced Breasts
> (Q)(Q)
> Hanging Tassels Breasts
> (p)(p)
> Grandma's Breasts
> \ o /\ o /
> Against The Shower Door Breasts
> ( )( )
> Android Breasts
> | o | | o |
> Martha Stewart's Breasts
> ($)($)
Finally, something other than smiley faces....
> Perfect breasts
> (o)(o)
> Fake silicone breasts
> ( + )( + )
> Perky breasts
> (*)(*)
> Big nipple breasts
> (@)(@)
> A cups
> o o
> D cups
> { O }{ O }
> Wonder bra breasts
> (oYo)
> Cold breasts
> ( ^ )( ^ )
> Lopsided breasts
> (o)(O)
> Pierced Breasts
> (Q)(Q)
> Hanging Tassels Breasts
> (p)(p)
> Grandma's Breasts
> \ o /\ o /
> Against The Shower Door Breasts
> ( )( )
> Android Breasts
> | o | | o |
> Martha Stewart's Breasts
> ($)($)
Money Matters
Just in case you ever, God forbid, need this info
The automatic stay is one of the more important benefits of bankruptcy. It is a federal court order forbidding creditors from taking any action against you without first going through the judge.
Sometimes, however, a glitch may occur because the court doesn't notify creditors of your bankruptcy until about ten days after it's filed. So, what if a creditor doesn't know that you've filed and repossesses your car? Your attorney can almost certainly get your car back, but doing so is likely to be an unnecessary hassle and expense. You can avoid this headache simply by informing any creditor who's likely to take immediate action that you've filed bankruptcy. That way, if they violate the automatic stay, they'll have to pay you damages and reimburse your attorney fees.
If you're in default on your car loan, we suggest not notifying the creditor until after you actually file bankruptcy. Otherwise, the lender may attempt to grab the car before the automatic stay takes effect.
Just in case you ever, God forbid, need this info
The automatic stay is one of the more important benefits of bankruptcy. It is a federal court order forbidding creditors from taking any action against you without first going through the judge.
Sometimes, however, a glitch may occur because the court doesn't notify creditors of your bankruptcy until about ten days after it's filed. So, what if a creditor doesn't know that you've filed and repossesses your car? Your attorney can almost certainly get your car back, but doing so is likely to be an unnecessary hassle and expense. You can avoid this headache simply by informing any creditor who's likely to take immediate action that you've filed bankruptcy. That way, if they violate the automatic stay, they'll have to pay you damages and reimburse your attorney fees.
If you're in default on your car loan, we suggest not notifying the creditor until after you actually file bankruptcy. Otherwise, the lender may attempt to grab the car before the automatic stay takes effect.
Understanding speed on DSL & way you should leave your modem on for 10 days
Q: What is a cap? Why is it on my line?
A: To understand the differences in the speeds seen by different people, I'll explain the different capping methods used by SBC/ASI. There are a few things to touch on about DSL that will help you understand.
DSL is a frequency based transport, utilizing the frequency ranges that are beyond the POTS(plain old telephone service) ranges. POTS utilizes the human audible range of 0-4khz. DSL, as far as ADSL, starts at 20-100khz for the upload band and then again at 120khz-1.1mhz for the download band. This is important because then longer the copper loop is, the higher frequencies drop out, causing a loss of available bandwidth. Now what this means in layman's terms:
If you're on a long loop, then the DSLAAM/modem connection won't be able to sustain a maximum throughput to keep the line up in sync. To correct this, the DSLAAM is re-programmed to only transmit at a bandwidth that can be sustained reliably.
The 3 major caps are 384k, 768k and open which is 1536k. Keep in mind, that IF you can sustain an open 1536 line, you can probably sustain the higher speed Option 2(1.5-6.0M/384kpbs) line, although in some situations the cost WILL outweigh the gain as far as download speeds.
Now, as far as the newer 192/128 lines. SBC, wanting to provide DSL service to those who were not able to sustain a 384/128 line, came out with a new package. This would let customers have a faster connection than ISDN at a discount price. This was implemented for those customers who were beyond 14kft, which was the point were dramatic decreases were seen. The lines were set up to be automatically raised to the best speed possible, using monitoring software to set the limits.
1) If you are a new customer and are seeing speeds in the 120-150/128 ranges then you can be certain that you fall under the 192/128 plan that will gradually increase your download speed up to the best that can be achieved by your line.
Two notes to read:
.....A) You will start out at 192/128 no matter what your line will handle. In time, usually in 6-10 days, the monitoring software will analyze your line history and raise your speed in increments to the best speed your line will sustain.
.....B) If you were signed up on this package WITHOUT knowing about it then you'll need to contact your ISP and complain very loudly, my advice only!
2) Your line CAN be uncapped to it's best speed, but it won't happen through the normal Tech Support channels! Advice is to seek out one of the techs who frequent the forum, at IM them with your DSL number and see what they can do.
Let me repeat, normal tech support will not be able to do anything! Enough said.
4) If you're still seeing speeds below what you think you should be having then I recommend you visit the Tweak forum at Answer the 11 questions and we'll be glad to get you up to speed.
Yes, the above will lead you to the same place eventually. This just makes sure you have followed the steps to make sure your line is optimized to it's best possible outcome depending on your line conditions.
5) If you're an existing customer and have already tweaked for a broadband connection and still sees dramatic decreases in your download speed then by all means, IM one of the techs at on this board,,pcb, who can look into this problem. I won't list them here, but an IM to Flippant or one of the other regular posters will set you in the right direction.
Food for thought on the safty of your ID
FYI, head's up everyone!
Keep a watch out for people standing near you at retail
stores, restaurants, grocery stores, ATMs, etc., that have a cell phone in
With the new camera cell phones, they can take a picture of your credit
card, which gives them your name, number, and expiration date.
Identification theft is one of the fastest growing scams today, and this
is just another example of the things that be used to "GET YA".
So... be aware of your surroundings. TY, M
Something you don't get with Cable, but do with SBC DSL, Backup dialup srevice
Q: Is there any backup dialup service?
A: Dialup access to your DSL account comes free with your DSL service. You can use both dialup and DSL at the same time.
A list of dialup access phone numbers can be found here:
More Yahoo SBC DSL things; Use the CD or not or to get what from it
Q: What software is included? Do I have to install it?
A: None of the software is required. New user registration and existing user migration can be done without the software.
The downloadable software, available after finishing migration, includes the custom Yahoo browser with parental controls and firewall.
The current SBC Yahoo DSL CD, included in the new user installation kit, is only for new setups. Migrating users can use the downloadable software or wait until early 2003 for the migration CD, which will include the connection manager.
The CD (3.1) includes the custom Yahoo browser, the connection manager and diagnostics, parental controls, instant messenger, drivers for Dlink 530TX and Dlink DFE-680TXD (PCMCIA), EnterNet 300, IE 5.5 and 6, Winsock and DUN updates for 95, Acrobat Reader, Netscape, QuickTime, Shockwave, and Flash. If you have that CD and want to install parts of it manually, instead of letting the installer load all of it OK. Link to info for that, but it only referances to 3.1 and as of 1-20-04 SBC is shipping 4.0.
To merge Yahoo IDs or not to merge Yahoo IDs, that is the question
Q: Why would I want to merge my SBC and Yahoo! IDs?
A: By merging your new SBC Yahoo! ID with your existing Yahoo! ID, you are able to get new levels of storage in your existing Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Briefcase, and Yahoo! Photos. You also combine your and SBC email addresses into one mailbox that you can download or view all at once.
If you do not merge your existing Yahoo ID, you can access the expanded Mail, Briefcase, and Photos storage by using your SBC ID to log into Yahoo, but these services will not be combined with your existing Yahoo mail account and briefcase.
Please note: If you map your existing Yahoo! account to your SBC Yahoo! account and then cancel your SBC Yahoo! service in the future, there will be a maintenance fee to retain your existing Yahoo! ID. You will be charged a maintenance fee of $9.95 per month to retain your existing Yahoo! ID and preserve your mail, addresses, calendar items, and personalized services. If you cancel your SBC Yahoo! service and do not wish to pay the maintenance fee, your data will be deleted or you may transfer some of your existing data to a new Yahoo! account with a different Yahoo ID.
If you decide to transfer your personal settings to a new Yahoo! ID, Yahoo! will give you step by step instructions automatically.
Also be aware that you can only merge a Yahoo ID while registering/migrating your primary account, or creating/migrating a subaccount. You can't change your mind or unmerge, so choose carefully.
Go here for merge information:
If you choose to merge:
You can sign onto Yahoo using your full SBC email address, or the Yahoo ID you merged.
The merge process will set the combined account's password to your existing SBC password, but you can change it at any time afterwards.
As for me NOT. I don't think that things with ISP's are even close to being "settled in". I've stayed with ISPs for years (5) and I've left after 6 months. I've said OK to Yahoo & SBC for a year, but I can't help thinking that after that time I'll be looking at satellites or something else by then. And if I'm right, I'll want to kept my Yahoo IDs alone. ISP's and portals are too different to MARGE together. That's called "AOL". That why I registered manually and didn't use that disk that mostly wants to put what I'll call "spyware" on my computer. And change my browser to look different. No thank you. I decide what of the many browser that are out there I'll use. Most of this "changing" is so you'll stay with AOL or Yahoo SBC or MS because you know where everything is now and are afraid to move. This is not a good thing for you but it's for THEM. Think of it this way do you always go to the same supermarket, gas station? NO. Well ISPs and Portals (Yahoo) should be thought of in very much the same way. That's why I don't use an ISP for anything more than "just getting on the net". I use a Portal, Yahoo, for what it's for a way of looking around the net. When you move from one house to another you have to send out change of address forms. IF you use email from someone else you can change ISP and your bank, and friends will not feel it. The same is true for your "Home Page" I sorry but using yahoo for that is not really what Yahoo is good at. They can do it. But what they do is like what they've done with SBC, they "partner". Which is fine. But when Yahoo wants to change you have to change too. Or if Yahoo decides not to anymore, your lose whatever it was that Yahoo decided not to do. IE, I just lost a lot of pic, because of a change that Yahoo made. I like Yahoo but I'm looking to put thing like pics somewhere, Like my own server, else. When Yahoo change from "live-advice" to keen I made the change too. Had to. But when got bought up I had already jumped from Yahoo who had to "get out" of it altogether because the new owner of keen didn't want to have anything to do with Yahoo. They didn't need them. See what I mean. This why I didn't register my domain name though Yahoo. I did my homework and found the best I could that was in the business of Registering and hosting, There are a ton of websites out there for that and other things as well. If you need food, you could go to gas station, but you could go to a supermarket too. Get it? The net gaves you the means to do your homework, so use it. Maybe I shouldn't use the term "homework", I know that work doesn't make me feel at that great, but it's the only thing I could work of.
Sieze the Day
IF you know you have sync, now register your SBC Yahoo DSL account.
Q: How do I register a newly activated DSL line with SBC Yahoo?
A: Use the CD provided in your installation kit and see SBC Support for more information.
Or, do it manually by logging at: using using
Password: sbcyahooreg
Then you can set the ID and password you really want to have. Of course this only works if you have not killed off you old ISP or your using someone elses acccout to get online to do it.
If you are an existing customer, that is NOT the address you should use to migrate. See this FAQ for instructions on how to migrate.
Some good input for anyone doing their first DSL self-install
Q: It's my first DSL installation and I have no sync or signal
A: For first time installations, you want to make sure that you are installing your modem on or after your due date. However, some DSL orders may have sync several days before the due date. No sync means you have no dsl signal or the dsl signal is too weak to maintain a connection with your modem. There are three modems currently being sent out for new customer self-installations depending on your region, the Speedstream 4060, Speedstream 5260/5262, or Westell Wirespeed. Although as of 1-20-04 some /speedstream 5100 have been seen. On the 4060, no sync is indicated by the blinking green and orange light. On the 5260/5262, no sync is indicated by a blinking green and orange DSL light and the ATM light being off. On the Wirespeed, no sync is indicated by a blinking ready light. On the 5100 a blinking DSL green light indicated no sync.
1) Verify with an SBC representative that the correct phone number was set up for DSL. If you have more than one phone line in the home, it is not uncommon for the wrong line to be provisioned.
2) Check your connections. Be sure to plug the modem into the line you ordered DSL on, it will not work on other phone lines. Plug the DSL modem straight into the wall with no 2-line adapter or filter. Make sure all phones, analog modems, fax machines, and any other devices that uses the DSL line is plugged into a filter before it's plugged into a phone jack. Occasionally, you could get a bad 2-line adapter (I had one) and that's why it is removed. If you can get sync without the 2-line adapter but lose sync with the 2-line adapter on the modem line, then your 2-line adapter is bad (and no one at SBC even thought to have me check for it. I thought to check to see if it could be bad by swithing for one of the 5 they shipped that one that I had no use for. It was bad). If you have only one jack in the room and need to use the 2-line adapter, call the Installation dept at 877-722-3755 for a filter package replacement.
3) Be sure to use the data cable or phone cord that came with the modem. Sometimes, the regular flat 2-wire phone cord will work fine for your DSL modem and sometimes it won't. These cords can get damaged easily and could work for dial-up and not for DSL. Some people have 100-ft phone cords and sync up just fine. Others can't get DSL to sync up on a 5 ft cord they have used for years. If you plan on using a cord longer than 20 feet, then you might inquire about purchasing a CAT-3 cord with RJ-11 jacks at both ends from a computer store or Radio Shack.
4) Verify that you do not have anything such as a security alarm, doorbell, water meter, or other devices on the DSL line that could interfere with sync. If you do, you may need a tech install to filter all the house wiring and make a dedicated jack for the DSL. DSL only needs 2 wires of you 4, so if you've had two lines in the past you should have to put the lines back together just be sure that you in the live jack.
5) Keep the modem at least 1 foot away from any EMI source, such as a CRT monitor, or halogen light.
6) If all the above checks out fine, then you may have a line problem and you need to call the Installation helpdesk at 877-722-3755. After troubleshooting your setup, they will call the provisioning dept to resolve any line issues which may take a few days or a few weeks.
More to come...
Monday, January 26, 2004
Update your anti-virus now 1-26-04
What is W32.Novarg.A@mm and how does it affect me?
W32.Novarg.A@mm is an encrypted mass-mailing worm that arrives as an attachment, with either a .exe, .scr, .zip, or .pif extension.
Note: Symantec Consumer products that support Worm Blocking functionality automatically detect this threat as it attempts to spread.
The worm creates a mass mailing of itself, which may:
1. Clog mail servers or degrade network performance
2. Impact system performance
This worm is currently undergoing analysis. The record at Security Response will be updated as information becomes available.
Update now! And again on Thur.
I may have found a new friend this weekend
And we meet at a piano lounge. Both having gone there to listen to the piano player. And as it turns out he's "on the Radio". On
Sunday 9 to 11 PM and Monday 10 PM to 1 AM at KXJZ 88.9.
Jazz and swing music. Just the thing to listen to while one is paying the bills on the computer.
And would you know it, I miss him last night the first time I would have been able to catch him. I'm making a change over from ComCast to SBC. More on that later. But I'll get him toight & next Sunday. I put him on my Yahoo calenar. You can hear him too over the net, at
His Bio at KXJZ:
Radio over the net is getting to be quit something. Love a station that's now across the country for you now. Check out this website to see if they are broadcasting over the net, if they are you in if you can use your computer to listen to them.
And for those of you that listen to me on inversting and are into "day trading" I should speak to IBC Radio as well. During the times when the market is open they talk penny stocks. And listeners call in on the phone using IBC's 800 #, 1-800- anyway check it out too.
Sunday, January 25, 2004
Hay, who put us in this hole? See first pic from OPPORTUNITY watch updates now.
And I watched on NASA's TV over the Internet. And you can still get update, try it.
WAY TO GO GUYS!!! And gonrats.
Try typing Oppotyunity's in word and watch "MS Word" does... Try to kept up Redmond.
Microsoft Settles with Teen Mike Rowe Over Web Site
The 17-year-old Canadian teenager who caught the attention of Microsoft Corp.'s lawyers by registering, agreed on Friday to give up his Web site in exchange from some perks from the world's largest software maker.
"We believe he's a bright young man with great potential," Microsoft spokesman Jim Desler said, reading from a prepared statement. "Mike will soon decide on his new name and Web site and we have agreed to help redirect any traffic to his new Web site to ensure he does not lose any business."
In exchange, Microsoft will pay for Rowe's expenses, the cost of switching over to a new site, provide training for certification on Microsoft's products, a subscription to Microsoft's developer program Web site, and an Xbox (news - web sites) video game console with games, as well as an invitation to bring his parents along for a visit to Microsoft's Redmond, Washington, headquarters for an annual technology fair.
The catchy Internet address, which the company felt sounded too similar to "Microsoft" to leave in the hands of the budding Web designer, will eventually stop redirecting traffic, Desler said.
Rowe, who lives in Victoria, British Columbia, more than 50 miles northwest of Redmond, could not immediately be reached for comment.
"All along I just wanted to prove a point that the small guy can win against the giant corporations," Rowe wrote on his Web site earlier this week.
Microsoft initially took a hard line against the Canadian teenager, offering to pay him only $10 for the incidental cost of giving up his site instead of the $10,000 that he had he demanded.